Tuesday, April 17, 2007

First Indonesian Block Cipher Algorithm BC2

Welcome to First INDONESIA - Block Cipher Algorithm BC2. This Block Cipher is one of PhD programme result of Yusuf Kurniawan at School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics INSTITUT TEKNOLOGI BANDUNG. Dr. Yusuf Kurniawan got his Doctor of Engineering with cum-laude at March 2007. The description of BC2 as part of his dissertation can be access at the following link.

The C model and its Know Answer Test will be upload soon.

Dr.Ir. Yusuf Kurniawan

Sarwono Sutikno, Dr.Eng., CISA

1 comment:

Gandi Wibowo said...

Mas, dulu ikut INA CISC gak?
kayaknya ada tuh algoritma Block Cipher selain BC2 dan lebih dulu dipublish, jadi BC2 bukan "The First Indonesian Block Cipher"...